website audit

Your website is your most important marketing tool and is the online face of your business.

Having an efficient website is critical to ensuring your business is set up for success in the online world.

The team at The van Diemen Project has the expertise and knowledge to properly audit your website’s current state and identify potential areas for improvement. 

Our analysis will include elements, such as the overall design, content, branding, user experience, search engine optimisation, site speed, and core web vitals, to ensure the best possible experience is provided to your visitors.

With key goals and opportunities at the forefront of our audit process, our multidisciplinary team will guide you through the process to elevate your digital presence, identifying areas for improvement with an in-depth report and providing you with the support and skills to take the next step.

How do we help?

  • Our expert advisors conducting the audit have extensive knowledge across marketing, sales, design, website development and branding.
  • We build the confidence and capacity of our clients to ensure they have the knowledge to progress further.
  • To ensure we deliver relevant and best practice findings, we use the latest software and programs.
  • We’re focused on ensuring your website operates at full capacity.
  • Our insights and experience unlock new market opportunities.
  • The review is fit for purpose as we fully understand the essence of the business and target market.

We provide advice on:

  • General quality & improvement
  • Overarching design
  • Mobile optimisation & responsiveness
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Core web vitals
  • User experience & customer flow
  • Branding
  • Site speed & overall performance
  • Content & audience relevance
  • Cyber security software



In order to boost online sales and overall website traction, Malcolm, the owner of Rhuby Delights – Tasmania’s premium freeze-dried coated chocolate treats, contacted the team at The van Diemen Project. An audit of the site was conducted by the team to evaluate its overall performance.

Although the site was visually appealing, key search engine optimisation elements were not implemented to ensure that the brand and range of products were adequately represented in search results. The team have been guiding Malcolm through the importance of generating a keyword master list, and ensuring Meta Data is inputted throughout the site to generate new visitors, generate sales and build brand awareness.


Our advisors recently mentored talented ceramics artist, Christie Lange, on ways to build her reputation as an artist and professional and communicate this adequately through her website. As Christie’s studio is located in the beautiful Larapuna (Bay of Fires) region on Tasmania’s East Coast, we wanted her website to capture the essence of this location and showcase her unique creative offerings.

As part of the audit process, our team guided Christie through opportunities to enhance her search engine optimisation techniques, and focused on tweaks to improve her site navigation and user experience.

Christie Lange is one of Tasmania's premium ceramics artists.

"I just wanted to thank you again for your expertise and assistance in helping me get my long awaited website up and out to the world. You made everything so easy."

– Debbie


Have questions, queries, comments? Want help solving a problem? The best way to get in touch with us is via this form. 

The information collected gives us the best idea of how we can help you and what information we need to get you there. 


Suite 3, Level 1, 7-11 Quadrant
Launceston Tasmania 7250

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