Drive leadership and innovation in your organisation.

LAUNCH is an exciting and engaging development program, that combines:

  • Growing the entrepreneurial and innovative capacity of all involved.
  • Developing the leadership and decision-making ability of the entire team.
  • Exploring and enriching key values of the organisation in all areas.
  • Embedding a structured approach to problem solving and ideation.
  • Shifting the culture towards one where new ideas are raised and embraced.

The common thread through LAUNCH is to focus on the development of each and every individual involved, where they develop their own solution to a problem they see. This could be changing a process, a new opportunity to raise revenue or ways to enhance the working environment – applying everything they learn throughout the active learning environment. Designed with the insights of helping thousands of businesses to launch and overcome challenges as well as an educational pedagogy to drive engagement, LAUNCH is an immersive and insightful intrapreneurship experience to shift the culture of a community or organisation with innovation and entrepreneurship.

How do we help?

  • We facilitate an engaging learning environment, suited to emerging and experienced leaders.
  • We drive innovative opportunities from within the organisation.
  • Through supporting your staff and community champions to make new opportunities a reality.
  • We spark a cultural change in your organisation to embrace new ideas.
  • Our team strives to lift up the voice of your staff and resolve the challenges they face every day.

We have worked with:

  • Thousands of small businesses, from the initial start-up phase right through to established enterprises.
  • Civil contracting companies.
  • Disability support organisations.
  • Community organisations.


Have questions, queries, comments? Want help solving a problem? The best way to get in touch with us is via this form. 

The information collected gives us the best idea of how we can help you and what information we need to get you there. 


Suite 3, Level 1, 7-11 Quadrant
Launceston Tasmania 7250

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