Small Business Coaching

Get regular support to help your business achieve it’s goals, overcome challenges and build your team.

Business does not need to be done on your own – by accessing coaching support from The van Diemen Project, you can learn from leading Tasmanian entrepreneurs to help you get regular support and guidance to help you and your business.

Knowing that businesses and organisations are at different stages, The van Diemen Project offers three different and unique packages;

  • Growth to help your business achieve it’s goals, strengthen the foundation and help you run your business over the longer term.
  • Sprint to overcome current challenges in depth, focused on longer term changes and support that is needed to achieve.
  • Team to help you build the leadership team of your business, collectively and individually, to strengthen your team and your business.

How do we help?

  • All coaching offerings begin with workshops, to understand where the organisation is going, overcome the pressing challenges and shape the way we work together over the longer term.
  • Regular (fortnightly or monthly) check-ins to support you on the journey, support you through what has recently changed, and maintain focus on the long term aims.
  • An accountability partner that understands you, your business and the journey you are, backed by experience of scaling and growing a business.
  • Access to networks, strategies and toolkits to help you along the way.
  • Bring clarity to the next steps that need to be taken, alongside the long term aims of the business from an independant perspective, 
  • A focus on the personal balance that you need tpp – recognising that you and the business need to remain strong.

Everyone’s journey in business is individual – and cannot be done without looking after you, and with The van Diemen Project’s coaching support, you can take your next steps with confidence, clarity and a clear direction that supports you and your business.

Who is here to help you?

All of our coaching offerings are lead by Adam Mostogl (CEO & Chief Entrepreneur, The van Diemen Project), who has recently been announced in Australia’s Top 40 Under 40 Entrepreneurs and Executives and in The Educator’s Hot List, recognising Australia’s most innovative educators.

You will get to learn from his experience of scaling an education business from Launceston to be preparing for international businesses in South East Asia and North America, helping mentor over 1000 people on their own start up journey, delivering Tasmania’s first social impact incubator and helping to deliver the world’s largest innovation process for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

With his experience, facilitation abilities, understanding of business, varied industry experience and a passion for self-development, you will benefit from everything Adam has gathered to help you on the next steps.

"Adam is awesome! He’s approachable, professional, and leader in his field. He has given me many insightful suggestions, leads, encouragement and overall support helping me move forward..."

– Lila, St Helens


Have questions, queries, comments? Want help solving a problem? The best way to get in touch with us is via this form. 

The information collected gives us the best idea of how we can help you and what information we need to get you there. 


Suite 3, Level 1, 7-11 Quadrant
Launceston Tasmania 7250

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