STRATEGIC plan development

In order for a business to grow and expand, it is essential to understand and implement strategic planning.

A strategic outlook will enable you to make better long-term decisions and enhance your organisation’s success. But before you can think strategically, you should develop a clear vision of what your organisation or business will be in the future.

It is not only an excellent way to create a path for success, but also to unify the team. Working together cooperatively towards a common goal is easier when everyone knows where they are going.

The van Diemen Project is uniquely positioned to help you articulate your vision and guide you through developing a plan to get you started.

Our four-stage strategic planning process has been developed to ensure your plan reflects and makes the most of the opportunities in your context, and that you are empowered to achieve your goals.

This includes:

  • Discovery: we spend the time needed to understand the real and perceived context.
  • Visioning: we guide the organisation through a visioning stage, identifying vision, purpose, values and goals.
  • Roadmapping: we unpack what needs to happen to achieve the vision.
  • Implementation/ Handover: we provide insightful recommendations on how to implement the strategic plan.

How do we help?

  • We’ll help you uncover the full context – the story up to this point!
  • Explore people’s opinions and identify opportunities.
  • Our role is to guide key stakeholders through the visioning process.
  • By the end of the plan development process, you’ll have a key set of strategic goals.
  • Our multidisciplinary team understands the context of small, medium, and large businesses.
  • Learnings from local, state, national, and international sources inform our approaches.
  • Our team is not afraid to ask the tough questions when it is necessary.

We work with:

  • Local government associations

  • Not-for-profit community groups

  • Medium – large businesses across Australia

  • Organisations




In its capacity as the primary organisation supporting and developing business in the Northern Midlands, the NMBA Board commissioned The van Diemen Project to produce a 5-year strategic plan.

Aside from the formal and informal recognition NMBA receives, the team at The van Diemen Project knew that this would be a project that would produce great results due to its innovative approach to solving problems.

Working alongside Executive Officer Gordon, the board, and key stakeholders in the Northern Midlands region, it became evident to everyone that the region, and indeed the state, benefits greatly from having such a dedicated team of people working to achieve positive outcomes for their business community.

During the process, the team developed a short survey that gave stakeholders an opportunity to provide input into the future of NMBA as well as mapped existing commitments against relevant plans and identified opportunities for NMBA to improve on the excellent support they provide for their members.

Incorporating innovative thinking, considering the strategies of other relevant organisations, and practical implementation tools to ensure the plan remains relevant and valuable, the strategic plan was developed, giving the association a clearer vision, and set of objectives for the future.

Horton College Arch, Northern Midlands region

"The van Diemen Project did what no other advisory company I’ve experienced has done – genuine engagement and absolute commitment to make the NMBA Strategic Plan focus the organisation and make a real contribution to its direction, priorities, and the value it provides to the business community."

– Gordon, Northern Midlands Business Association


Have questions, queries, comments? Want help solving a problem? The best way to get in touch with us is via this form. 

The information collected gives us the best idea of how we can help you and what information we need to get you there. 


Suite 3, Level 1, 7-11 Quadrant
Launceston Tasmania 7250

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