Innovation & co-Design Workshops

The van Diemen Project brings our experience in running workshops across the world to help leverage the creativity and knowledge of your workplace and community, to drive ahead with new solutions and opportunities through codesign, empowering networks and regions to be part of the innovation that is needed to drive better outcomes.

What’s Involved in our Innovation & Co-Design Workshops?

At The van Diemen Project, we bring a deep understanding of design thinking and human-centred design to our innovation workshops. These workshops are designed to help organisations and communities generate fresh ideas, solve complex challenges, and develop innovative strategies. Drawing from our extensive experience at international events and forums, we guide participants through a co-design process that puts people at the heart of every solution.

Our workshops are interactive and collaborative, providing a space where participants can think creatively, explore different perspectives, and engage in meaningful dialogue. The process begins with a thorough exploration of your organisation’s or community’s current challenges and objectives. We then guide you through design thinking frameworks that help you break down problems, identify opportunities, and generate innovative solutions.
Human-centred design principles guide every step of the workshop. This means we focus on understanding the needs, experiences, and motivations of the people you serve. By involving staff, stakeholders, and community members in the process, we ensure that the strategies and solutions developed are not only innovative but also deeply aligned with the needs and desires of the people they are meant to impact.

Whether your goal is to reimagine internal processes, improve community engagement, or create entirely new programs, our innovation workshops provide a structured yet flexible approach to drive creative thinking and collaboration.

How Does This Help?

Our innovation workshops are designed to empower your organisation or community by unlocking new ways of thinking and doing. By participating in these workshops, you will be able to:

  • Co-Design Practical Solutions: The workshops foster collaboration between teams, stakeholders, and communities, ensuring that the solutions created are not only innovative but also practical and implementable. The co-design process leads to buy-in from everyone involved, making implementation smoother and more effective.
  • Empower New Strategies: Through design thinking and human-centred design, we help organisations develop strategies that are forward-thinking and adaptive. Whether you’re looking to solve an existing challenge or explore new opportunities, our workshops will give you the tools to create strategies that can be adapted as circumstances evolve.
  • Boost Creativity and Collaboration: Innovation is all about pushing boundaries, and our workshops create an environment where creativity thrives. We help teams break free from traditional ways of thinking, encouraging collaboration that leads to breakthrough ideas. You’ll walk away with not just new ideas but also a culture of innovation that you can bring back to your organisation or community.
  • Harness International Expertise: Our experience leading innovation workshops at global forums and events means we bring a wealth of knowledge and insights from around the world. We introduce cutting-edge practices and global trends, allowing your organisation to stay ahead of the curve and implement innovative solutions that have been proven to work in different contexts.


Who Is This Service Best For?

The van Diemen Project’s innovation workshops are ideal for community organisations, not-for-profits, social enterprises, and businesses that are looking to tackle challenges in new ways, develop innovative strategies, and empower their teams or communities.

If your organisation is ready to embrace creativity and co-design solutions that are both innovative and people-focused, then this service is perfect for you. These workshops are especially beneficial for organisations that want to involve their staff or communities in the problem-solving process, ensuring that the solutions developed are grounded in real needs and experiences.

Whether you’re based in Tasmania or regional Australia, our innovation workshops can help you transform challenges into opportunities. From exploring new strategies to rethinking service delivery, our workshops will provide the spark you need to drive meaningful change and impact in your community or organisation.

By partnering with The van Diemen Project, you’ll gain access to international expertise, tailored facilitation, and a structured approach to innovation that will empower your team to think differently, act boldly, and achieve better outcomes. Let’s co-design solutions that create lasting impact and drive your organisation forward.