Directions to Our Office
Our office is located at Suite 3, Level 1, 7 – 11 The Quadrant in Launceston – which means we are based in the centre of Launceston, but being upstairs means it’s a little tricky to find us.
So to help out, here are some helpful hints – and there are multiple ways to get to the door to access the office;
- From Brisbane Street, walk down the laneway between Petrach’s Bookshop and the Bank of Us through both sliding doors. When you walk through the second door, directly opposite is the doorway to enter the office (but it’s hidden by the column when you come out of the second set of doors).
- From York Street, walk down the alleyway beside Toyworld towards the Quadrant Mall. Walk through the paved area, and past SJ’s to find the doorway to enter the office.
- From the Quadrant, walk along the laneway beside Jim Hughes & Sons towards the multi-story car park. Turn left around Jim Hughes & Sons, walk past SJ’s to find the doorway to enter the office.
The doorway has a number of logos on it, including ours and Quadrant Quarters – and if we remember, our A-frame sign will be directly outside the door – Â and come up the stairs.
When you get to the top, walk through the door and walk through to the very end of the corridor to find the door that says ‘Quadrant Quarters’ and our office is behind the door.

If you get lost or need some extra help, please call (03) 6349 1919 and we’ll try to help you out!